Monday, December 1, 2008

Gingerbread House

Chef 4H

I went to chef 4H today and we made gingerbread houses. When we got home I took pics of it and I will put them on in a little while.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Whats happening

Monday I had dance like usual, Tuesday we went to Birmingham to see Rabbi Greenbaum. Wednesday we got up and I went to my Grandparents house and stayed, Mom and Dad & Alex went back to Birmingham. Nanny took me to dance and we went to goodwill to look for a air mattress. Also I can't forget when I got in the car when mom & dad picked me up I heard a meow it was Abbey the little kitten miss Jen is letting me take care of, she said I might get attached to her and if I do she would understand if I wanted to keep her.Today I went to the orthodontist and I'm getting braces on Tuesday. My little cousin Ryan is having some work done on his teeth too before Thanksgiving... he has to have a tooth pulled then they are gonna hook a wire to another one then pull it down in the other ones place, WHILE HE'S ASLEEP. Poor thing. Then the next Tuesday after I get my braces Aunt Billie and Uncle are coming early for Thanksgiving YAY. Unfortunatly he can't have anything hard for a while. I'll post some pics of me with my braces later when I get them, and I will also take pics all week at nanny's when they come =).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Ok I know I haven't posted in a long time so for something cool I'm gonna take pictures of the kittens tomorrow and put them on here. I went to the library and got some books and I have looked through most of them but haven't really read them lol. Me and mom are gonna go see a play thingy I think so she wanted me to read the book of the play so I got that too. I started a 4h group which is gonna ROCK! I met some girls there who are awesome we are gonna take some of the same things I think.. I'm gonna take a class at the Y about horses and another about sewing and lots more which I wont name all of them but some girls from my dance class are in the 4h with me so i see them more then I probably would lol. I have dance two days of the week this year so it's way differnt from a few years ago. I like my dance class this year especially because lots of my friends are still taking it and so it's so fun. Some of my friends quit or started taking it from the other dance teacher. The begginer point is right after my ballet class on Monday and they were like finally you guys class is done your horrible so for fun I was watching one of the girls in that class while they were warming up one of the girls almost fell because of the point shoes lol. The county fair is almost here I wanna enter my apron i made a year ago and maybe some cake theres money invovled so most of us are gonna try I need some cake decorating stuff for my cooking thing at 4h so they gave us a list of stuff to get. Well thats about all I can think of to tell ya talk to you guys later bye.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Yesterday I went fishing with dad and pawpaw lol we sadly only caught one fish and boy was it small. We fished for hours I didn't even get a bite... we went back to the boat ramp and went the other way for a little bit... I saw something in the water swimming I thought nothing of it though But then a few minutes later dad saw it He though it was a snake too he kept looking and didn't see it's tail moving, Pawpaw said it might be a gator we're like in the river?? No well he was right! It was a GATOR about 3ft long pawpaw though maybe three years old also but the freaky thing is dad and pawpaw took the boat over to the gator! lol but it went under the water so we didn't see anything but it's head lol. We turned around in a shallow part and went back and while dad was helping pawpaw load the boat I was wading in the water where the gator wouldn't come I was looking to see if I could see his head... I also found some fossils but they were to big to move lol. We got home at almost nine O'clock. We told Nanny about the gator when we got to her house then we loaded dad's truck and came home then I told Alex and he was like no way! I said there was to ask dad then he was like cool after I said that lol . I would have posted this story last night but it was to late. ttyl peeps lol bye

Saturday, June 21, 2008

This past week.

This past week me and of course my kitten were watching Green Acres and Full House lol... And I got a hair cut and I will be posting pics soon. I will be very busy this coming up week so i might not find the time to post, I just remembered something else I did this week I also helped mom a little with shelling the peas... Been hoping I can find a good price on season three of TheWaltons I watched Season One, Two and Four lol I skipped 3 because I didn't have it lol... I'm starting seasons of Little House On The prairie again lol I'm trying to break a world record but I dunno if there is one yet but in that case i might set one lol well ttyl bye

Fathers Day

As mom said we ate hot dogs and chip and etc... But I think the funnest part was swimming lol my uncle will send some pics of me and two of my cousins. My youngest cousin took swimming lessons with Ryan his older brother but he is still scared of the water... I got him to come in with me and he was on the steps of the pool for a long while. We also met my older cousin Zane's Gf she was really sweet lol and the first time I told her my name she remembered my name! lol Although it was almost a week ago mom and dad and Alex left before all the fun lol so I'm telling the world what happened. lol